Our board

The board of directors consists of both executive and non-executive directors. Each group have different roles and responsibilities, but they work together to challenge processes and establish the strategy and operation of the Trust.

A group of hospital workers in front of a hospital building

Board meetings

Board meetings are held on the *last Wednesday of each month. The Board initially meets in a closed format for a maximum period of two hours. Directors will agree during the meeting which items can then be reported as outcomes during the open public session.

Agenda and supporting reports for all meetings held in the presence of the public will be made available on the Trust’s website seven days before the meeting. Meetings will be held online or at different locations across the Trust’s footprint, in NHS facilities where they are available. Details of upcoming meetings will be announced on the Trust’s website and via the staff e-newsletter CWPeople, with a request that staff display notice of the meeting in waiting areas and staff rooms.

Closed Board meetings

Meetings closed to the public will be to consider items that are not suitable for debate in public at the time of the meeting (or at all) such as (but not limited to):

  • Issues which are commercially sensitive or may negatively impact upon the trust’s commercial interests.
  • Reports containing personal information that would breach the Trust’s duty of confidentiality e.g. identification of patients or staff.
  • Information obtained or provided in confidence.
  • Items which are professionally or legally privileged.

Reports of serious untoward incidents will routinely be taken in closed sessions. Minutes of closed Board meetings held will not be published.